Thursday, March 29, 2012

animal house

Apologies for the long gap in between posts about my Peru trip!

After returning from our visit to the Yahua, we returned to the lodge for a hot lunch... nothing special there. Then it was a short walk to what I'll call a monkey sanctuary... my favorite part of the jungle trip:

Reclining in the middle of the path was my first primate...

This little guy wasn't too happy about us humans getting close. Actually, it took a while for the monkeys to warm up to us... then they were climbing all over me as if I were a tree. You'll see.

This "monkey reserve" hosted a few other creatures, such as this avian pair...

The monkeys recognized guide Pedro and jumped on him right away...

Spotted another parrot... this green guy was playing sneak!

But even sneakier was this tree-hugging adult sloth.

Lanky and mischievous Suzie was quite the character, so much that she was the only animal with a name.

"Just try and catch me," she seemed to taunt.

It almost looks like Suzie's giving someone the bird!

Itty bitty monkeys and coatis raided the fallen fruit around the trees...

I just love the way that monkey's tail is curled!

There were a couple of anacondas...
... and I dared to hold one. But not the head. Oh no, you silly snake handler, you hold the head. I'm so excited I forgot to open my eyes properly for the photo... oh well!

A small pond housed an ancient turtle...

Monkeys swung from trees like miniature clowns and trapeze artists...

A white capuchin got friendly...

Coati spotting!

This lonely little baby is my new love...
She let me get very close...

... and as I inched closer...

... she let me pet her!

Look how cute she is!

Look how round her belly is!

And when she'd had enough, she got up and made it very clear she was through. I love her attitude!

Partly by accident, partly by the ingenuity of these monkeys, a capuchin used me as a ladder to get to a high-flying branch...

After reaping the literal fruits of his labor, he used me as a dinner table.

Another little mischief chows down on plátanos (bananas...)

I guess it doesn't hurt!

Near the end of our animal visit, we went to a sort of visitor center/pub on the premises and met a toucan...

I honestly had no idea what the animal expert/barkeep was saying because I was playing with the toucan but he offered Pame and I some jungle moonshine. Then asked for money... Is it just me or is the cost of everything not included in the price for a stay at the Amazon King Lodge. It wasn't a lot (2 soles for the moonshine) but I was really under the impression that our fee covered everything, especially if alcohol is pushed into my hands. If it's not free, don't automatically pour me a cup!

Anyways, the moonshine is pretty sweet and not very strong. It barely had any more alcohol than Nyquil.

But who cares about a sample of jungle moonshine when a friendly toucan is attempting a real robbery and trying to bite my watch off. Nice try, little guy!

This afternoon in the "monkey reserve" was by far my favorite bit about my Amazon adventure... I let Señor Perfilio know in the comment book that I'd appreciate more time here.

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