Thursday, February 2, 2012


Okay, I'm short on time tonight and I've been dying to talk about my new favorite animal... the sloth. So here it is, sloths only!
my love
Sloths are known for their slow pace of movement... according to the geniuses behing Planet Earth, sloths choose lethargy to conserve energy. Smart little guys...

In Spanish, sloths are called perezosos, or "lazy people." But that doesn't keep people from keeping these curiously enchanting creatures as pets, like this guy. He is not wild, he is a little boy's pet that he pimps out to tourists for tips. But I'll gladly pay to cuddle with something this cute!

Since this sloth is a baby, the hair on the underside was very soft. Some of the hair on the back was coarse - you can tell just by looking at his right arm. The claws look scary but are actually pretty dull, though they still get the job done. Within 10 seconds of cuddling, Perezosito had already ensnared his claws in my bag and tank straps. It took a little coaxing from the guide to get the little perezoso travieso off but let's face it, the speed of a sloth is no match for the speed of... anything else.

Holding this baby sloth made all those mosquito bites worth it.

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