Can you explain yourself in just a few words? Then maybe Intrepid's
30 trips in 30 days contest is for you!
Each day in November Intrepid is posing a question that must be answered in 50 words or less. One response is chosen for each question and the winner gets an Intrepid itinerary of their choice (the itinerary is selected when the response is submitted.) It should be noted that since the trips are limited to the choices available on the contest page, you won't be able to win an awesome cruise around the Galápagos Islands... but still!
I've been submitting response pretty faithfully so far but have been looked over for other responses. There are some I agree with (see the lost in translation winner) and some that I certainly do not agree with (why should drinking on the beach win over contemplating the infinite vastness of the ocean?)
Hey, it doesn't hurt to try!
Image ripped straight from the Intrepid site
and does not belong to me in any way, shape, or form.
Ever. |
I'm still hopeful that I can win a trip to
Bolivia or - huge change of plans -