Yesterday I was perfectly fine, until the bus ride home. Then I started feeling lightheaded, and my shoulders started feeling stiff.
Uh oh, that's how I feel when I'm sick!
Mr. Yuck, a real American hero...
at least since I first saw him on a bottle in my dad's medicine cabinet.
Image courtesy of google image search |
I know that vaccines are supposed to be weakened cousins of a virus but that yellow fever vaccine I got on Monday was quite the kicker. Once I returned home yesterday I made a pot of tea and drank the last of the beouf bourguignon I made on Sunday. I swapped my yoga pants for sweatpants and cozied up with a sweater and a blanket. The most telltale sign? I fell asleep during Animal Planet's Viking Wilderness. It's just totally not me to fall asleep when there are baby fox cubs playing on TV.
It's also not me to fall asleep at 9PM when I could be up until 1AM knitting and reading and watching crappy television. 9PM!
Well perhaps it's a good thing I went to bed early last night. I sweated out that fever like Scandinavians in a sauna and though it sucked to get out of bed, the symptoms soon wore off and I worked a full day. The symptoms are down to a bare minimum now... just a weird sensation at the crown of my skull when I shake my head really hard. And why would I have to shake my head anyways?
Now that my body has paid the price, I am ready for Colombia. Once I pack, that is.